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11 Willard Street
North Grafton MA 01536


The Willard House & Clock Museum is a historic place with festive roots, right in the heart of Massachusetts. Come visit us for a guided tour of our museum.

Miniature portrait of Benjamin Franklin Willard, unknown, c. 1825

Benjamin Franklin Willard portrait

96.332 Willard House and Clock Museum, gift of Mary Cowell

This 3” H by 2 1/4” W cameo portrait is the earliest miniature in the collection.

Oval right side half-length portrait of a young dark-haired gentleman in white high-collar shirt and black overcoat is painted in water-drop stippling method in contrast to the blue sky-like background done with parallel brushstrokes in hatching technique.

Golden base with ornamented framing.

The case is definitely American, probably from around 1825-1830, with a chased border, a beaded bezel and probably contained a lock of hair under glass inside a beaded bezel on the reverse.